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A few diversions, new paths, new opportunities

So much for my well laid plans! Where did all that resolve to blog often go? To unknown parts it would seem!

Back on the horse, well keyboard…you know what I mean!

I’ve encountered a few diversions in the last 6 months, mostly good ones, not all work related. The work /self development related ones have me very motivated and energised. One diversion was down a path that I have long wished to follow and another by a happenstance conversation with the brother of a close friend. These diversions have added significantly to figuring out what I am really about (why does this not happen in our 20’s I have often asked myself, but that is a discussion for another day!) and what defines my consulting practice. I am very excited about the doors to broader thinking these diversions have opened. However, before I head down another maze of doors and paths, let me tell you what these diversions that are now a key part of my toolkit in my consultancy practice are.

I was introduced to SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) while speaking to Ian Shippy about our respective practices and possible synergies. The concept intrigued me, 3 weeks later, after a bit of research about the thinking behind SDI, I was on the facilitators accreditation course run by Michael Leon here in CT.

What is so unique about another tool that tells us what motivates us and how we interact with others? Well its not just another tool – it’s easy to use, not shrouded in technical-speak and tells it like it is. Its a method reaserched and based on Relationship Awareness Theory. In a nutshell SDI is an on-line based assessment that produces a set of feedback reports and charts that speaks to one’s core-motivation (self-awarenesss), interpersonal-relationship awareness. It guides the journey to effectiveness at an individual level and as a person in a relationship (work or personal). It is a journey that doesn’t require walking on coals and crazy challenges. It is a journey of discovering yourself and making your interpersonal relationships work with the support of a coach or in the case of team, a team facilitator. SDI links in really well to the Neuro-Linguistic (NLP) Principals that are a core part of my consulting approach and thinking. I like it, lots! Over the next few weeks I will expand a little more and add some colour to SDI and why I like it a as an important aspect of my consulting approach.

A long time fascination with creativity and fun ways of problem solving led me to come across the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology a few years ago. As I read more it became clear, I had to go and experience this first hand. So it was off to Singapore to learn at the knee of one of the architects of the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® Method, Robert Rassmussen. A crazy, intense week in Singapore and I was certified as a trained LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY®facilitator.

The method is so much more than I ever expected and the success lies in understanding the balance between the art, craft and science (think Henry Mintzberg’s triangle) unlocking new ideas, open dialouge and thinking that in encompassed in the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® Method. Not to mention I get to have a large collection of great LEGO® of my own!

I will explain the method in more detail over time and why I believe it’s a very powerful method, with the caution that it is not a ‘silver bullet’ that can be used for every situation.

In the mean time keep an eye out or updates on when I will be running more demonstrations of the LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY® method in Cape Town. If you are interested on being notified via email about the next sessions email me at

Until next time, here are some images of that intense week in Singapore displaying various stages of the training and my LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY®path!

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